Introduction to Painting with Pure Life Design
Come explore your creative side with Pure Life Designs for our beginner painting series. Each class will include all the paint, supplies & instruction needed to create your own work of art on a stretched canvas! Students will be guided through a series of steps to create confidence while working with acrylic paint, and will go home with a painting they will love! 
6-week class series.
Class length will be 1.5 hours, please bring an apron or paint friendly clothes. 
Location: Grants Pass Museum of Art, 229 SW G St 2nd Floor, Grants Pass
Dates: Thursdays, 3:30pm-5:00pm, Feb. 16, Feb. 23, Mar. 2, Mar. 9, Mar. 16, Mar. 23
Cost: $5/class ($30 for the entire series)
Enrollment will be finalized once payment has been collected here

Please answer the following questions to enroll your child.
We appreciate you providing responses to our demographic questions as this information helps us to apply for grants and scholarships to fund this program.  All information remains anonymous. 
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