Marisa Richmond Public Policy Fellowship
The Marisa Richmond Public Policy Fellowship is a program for Black transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary undergraduate students enrolled in an accredited Tennessee college or university who are interested in public policy advocacy. The fellowship honors the federal, state, and local advocacy of Dr. Marisa Richmond in the areas of racial justice and LGBTQ rights.

Three applicants will be selected for the Spring 2021 fellowship, ideally one from East Tennessee, one from West Tennessee, and one from Middle Tennessee depending on the geographic diversity of the application pool.  

Fellowship recipients will receive a $1000 stipend and participate in Zoom/conference call discussions with leading advocates to explore key issues in public policy and build their network. The program will go from mid-January through March to coincide with the state legislative session.  There are no project or work requirements so that students can focus on their academic requirements and self-care.

APPLICATIONS ARE DUE ON DECEMBER 11 BY 8:00 P.M. EASTERN TIME/7:00 P.M. CENTRAL TIME. Submit your answers through this Google form. Questions should be directed to The fellowship is a program of the Tennessee Equality Project Foundation.

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Name *
Email address *
Your pronouns *
Name of the Tennessee college or university in which you will be enrolled for the Spring 2021 semester *
Discuss your experience with advocacy or activism. How have you been involved in social change and what led to your interest? *
How would the Marisa Richmond Fellowship help you develop your identity and work as an advocate? *
What else would you like for us to know about you and your plans for the future? *
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