Requested Teacher Responses: "When the Teacher Is Away: Educators’ Views on Substitute Teachers and Classroom Continuity"
Hello! Please help me with my final Master's research project! This 10 question quiz will take about 5 minutes.

The title is "When the Teacher Is Away: Educators’ Views on Substitute Teachers and Classroom Continuity." The purpose is to see teachers' perspectives are on writing substitute plans, the person who is to carry them out, and the expectation of the students when teachers have a planned absence.

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On average, when writing substitute plans, how detailed are your plans academically?
On average, when writing substitute plans, how detailed are your substitute plans behaviorally?
In your experience, how important is it to you for a substitute teacher to follow the lesson plan you provided?
Does knowing in advance who your substitute will be affect how you write your lesson plans? 
Typically, how important is it for a substitute teacher to have knowledge/experience in the content area(s) or grade level(s) that you teach?
What level of academic student engagement do you expect from a substitute teacher?
What level of classroom management skills do you expect from a substitute teacher?
What level of academic accountability do you usually expect from your students when you have a substitute?
What level of behavioral accountability do you usually expect from your students when you have a substitute?
What level of communication do you expect from a substitute teacher upon the end of their time with your students?
Is there anything extra you would like to share about expectations for yourself, the substitute teacher, or your students (fully optional)?
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