RRTP Module 5: Connection - Reflection/Evaluation
Thank you for completing Module 5 of the RRTP Course. To integrate your learning and to better support our campus community, we seek your reflection and feedback. Your feedback will help us improve and expand on the many resources available in this self-paced training program. We welcome your suggestions, insights, and thoughts.

For additional support or training on how best to integrate the Radical Resilience Training Program (RRTP) modules into your own campus program, please contact Nikita Gupta at RRTP@nikitagupta.com.

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After completing Module 5...
1- Strongly Disagree
2- Disagree
3- Neutral
4- Agree
5- Strongly Agree
I feel empowered to use the knowledge and skills gained in this module in the future.
I have a greater understanding of how to offer my empathy in supportive ways.
I have gained coaching skills that I can use to support others more effectively..
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What are your top 2-3 take aways or insights from this Module?
In what situations on or off campus will you be able to apply the empathy skills learned?
Any additional thoughts or feedback on this Module?
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