MCR2030 Dashboard Bug Reporting Form
Thank you for signing up to MCR2030 and committing your community to resilience and disaster risk reduction. The dashboard is designed to help you protect your community and thrive. More features will be added to the dashboard functions and we want your feedback to make the experience better.

This form can be used to report bugs or glitches with the dashboard. When something's not working, we want to know so we can fix it. The UNDRR will look into the bugs reported in this form and will add them to a queue of issues to address.
First, who are you?
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Tell us a little bit about the bug...
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On what page are you experiencing a bug or problem?
How is this bug affecting your work?
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Please describe the bug
What browser were you using when you experienced the bug?
What device were you using when you experienced the bug?
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Anything you'd like to add?
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