Camp Day 2020 Registration
Please use this form to Register for Camp Day on October 3rd to be held at Camp Montmilner. In order to have accurate contact information for each person attending, this form will need to be completed for EACH girl, adult worker, or visitor attending. Additionally, we need all participants to agree to the COVID screening and information at the end of the form.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name *
Are you a: *
Assembly: *
Contact phone number *
Participant's Address *
COVID Statement *
TN IORG is planning this event to be a safe experience for all participants. We will be enforcing facial masking and social distancing measures. By registering, you agree to wear a face mask while indoors at all times and anytime you are within 6 feet of any other individual, and have a brief screening including Temperature check upon arrival. You should NOT attend if you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed or have had any symptoms of possible COVID-related illness (Cough, Fever, Shortness of Breath, cold symptoms, diarrhea, etc) within the 2 weeks preceding the event, if you or anyone in your house has a pending COVID test, or have been in contact with anyone with confirmed or suspected COVID in the 2 weeks prior to the event.
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