Registration: CDIS Spring Conference 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 09:00-16:40
Venue: KTH Lecture Hall F1 Alfvénsalen, Lindstedtsvägen 22, Stockholm

The registration is now closed. For information contact

Physical event; no online participation; the conference language is English;

The morning program will be technical and primarily for experts in cybersecurity. The program after lunch will be accessible to a broader audience.

Draft Program:
  9:00  CDIS introduction (Pontus Johnson, KTH; David Olgart, Cybercampus)
  9:30  Keynote: Compromise detection & avoidance for simple IoT devices (Gene Tsudik, UC Irvine)
10:15  Break
10:30  Machine learning on code for securing software (Martin Monperrus, KTH)
11:00  Securing the modern web (Andrei Sabelfeld, Chalmers University)
11:30  Axiomatic HW-SW security contracts (Hamed Nemati, KTH)

12:00  Lunch; CDIS posters and demos

13:30  Cyberwar against Ukraine (Volodymyr Shypovskyi, National Defense University of Ukraine)
14:15  Swedish Defence:  Implications for the Cyber Domain (Mårten Levin, Ministry of Defense, Sweden)
14:45  LockShield (Patrik Fältström, Swedish Armed Forces)
15:15  Break
15:30  Panel: Experiences from the trenches: Being hacked and how to recover (David Olgart, Cybercampus)

16:30  Closing
16:40  Reception

Registration is free, including lunch and refreshments.

For questions, contact

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