Humbolt Child Care Center Survey
Grant Union School District has been working with the Grant County Child Care Committee to open a child care center at the Humbolt Elementary School location. The goal is to serve up to 38 children aged 6 weeks to 5 years by mid-August of 2023. 

We would like to hear from you! Parents, your feedback is important to us! The information collected will be used as a valuable aid in understanding some basic components of your child care needs. Your answers are anonymous, unless you include your contact information at the end of the survey. 
What city do you live in?
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Would your family benefit from a child care center in your area?
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Would your family benefit from a part time or full time child care center? 
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What times of days does your family need child care services? (Choose all that apply)
How many days per week would your family require child care services?
1 day
5 days
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What days of the week would your family need care? (Choose all that apply)
How many children would you need child care services for?
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What ages would you need care for? (Choose all that apply)
What prices would you expect to pay for FULL TIME care (8hrs)? (Please specify a number not a range)
What prices would you expect to pay for PART TIME care (4-6hrs)? (Please specify a number not a range)
What program of activities do you look for in child care setting?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your child care needs or the Humbolt Child Care Center?
Thank you for your participation! If you would like a response from district staff, please include your name and contact info below.
Name (optional)
Email (optional)
Phone (optional)
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