MBC Donor Survey
We want to know how best to share the story of what's happening at MBC and its affiliates! Your answers below will help us consider how to tailor and craft our communications most effectively. Thank you!
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Email *
Your Name *

What inspires you to support our organization? 
(Select all that apply)


What kinds of activities would you like to hear about?
(Select all that apply)


How would you prefer to receive updates and notifications from us?
(Select all that apply)


How frequently would you like to receive updates from us?

What kinds of events at MBC interest you?
(Select all that apply)
Additional Optional Questions
If you would like to share more with us, you can continue to the following optional questions.

What motivates you to continue supporting MBC?

Is there something we haven't discussed that would increase your satisfaction as a supporter?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

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