Virtual Classics
With school closures, many teachers are having to navigate virtual learning for the first time.  This anonymous survey is intended to discover how you as Latin/Greek teachers are approaching this challenging opportunity in your own classrooms and to gauge what sorts of resources and/or supports you feel would finde most useful.
Have you taught online before? *
What are a few ways you are continuing instruction? *
How do you feel about your ability to continue teaching Latin/Classics in a digital environment? *
Are there any specific needs or limitations that are negatively affecting your ability to continue teaching Latin/Classics in a digital environment? *
Can you suggest any online resources? (preferably free) *
Would you be interested in attending webinars organized by MCA on teaching Classics in the digital classroom? *
Would you be interested in talking about your resources/experiences in a webinar?   *
Are there any specific topics you would like to see covered in a webinar? *
Is there a certain platform you would prefer be use for the delivery of the webinars? *
What would be the most convenient times for webinars to be held? (check all that apply) *
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