Girls Like Us (G.L.U) Registration
Girls Like Us (G.L.U) is free empowerment group for young women dedicated to the Betterment, Enrichment, and Empowerment of Black Girls. This empowerment program teaches girls between the age of 8-14 everything from safety to interpersonal skills. While they’re all a little different, the common thread is that they all create a sense of community for the young women involved. We will provide a safe space / trauma-responsive environment that advances social and emotional learning while healing our Black Girls with evidence-based learning programs designed to promote life skills, character values, resistance skills to negative peer influence.

G.L.U of West End Neighborhood House  will meet every Monday ages 12-15 from 6:00-7:30 PM
and  ages Wednesday 8-11 and Friday Safe Haven (optional) ( can stay to hang until 9 PM) at West End Neighborhood House, virtual is always an option. With Saturday field trips once a month on the third Saturday of the month.  

Please contact Thea Lopez ( Program Coordinator) with any questions via email or text 424-312-2889 /
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