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James Bowie High School Swim Team Booster Club Scholarship 2024- 2025- Recommendation Form (Part 3)
On behalf of the Bowie Swim & Dive Team Scholarship Committee, thank you for taking the time to complete this letter of recommendation. The purpose of this recommendation is to give the Bowie Swim & Dive Team Booster Club your opinion about the character* of the applying swimmer. Please respond as honestly as you can. All recommendations will be held in the strictest confidence.
Recommendations must be received by end of day Monday, March 24, 2025 for the student to be eligible for an award. If you have any questions or problems with the form, please email Mary Dunn at
Thank you for your time and your contribution to this swimmer!
*Character includes qualities of behavior, honesty, reliability, courtesy, concern for others, and respect.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Applicant/ Swimmer's Name
Your answer
Your Name
Your answer
Your phone number/ best way to contact you
Your answer
How long have you known the swimmer?
Your answer
Are you providing a personal or teacher reference?
Personal Reference (Not a family member, but includes neighbors, supervisors, or colleagues in a work place))
Teacher Reference (Includes teachers at Bowie or other high school attended)
Please describe the nature of your relationship with this swimmer.
Your answer
What is the swimmer's strongest character trait?
Your answer
Why do you believe this candidate is deserving of the Bowie Swim Team Booster Club Scholarship?
Your answer
Your Initials (for signature)
Your answer
Send me a copy of my responses.
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