By signing below, I acknowledge that the participant and I are ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for my/his/her own safety during participation in District activities, including the use of facilities and equipment. I understand that primary accident and medical insurance coverage is my responsibility, and I have been made aware of my ability to purchase Myers-Stevens & Toohey, Inc. Student Accident Insurance. In the event of an injury or illness related to participation in this activity, I give my consent for emergency treatment, hospitalization, or other medical treatment as may be deemed necessary by emergency medical personnel, hospitals, physicians and other medical providers. IN CONSIDERATION FOR PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS DISTRICT ACTIVITY, I FOR MYSELF, THE PARTICIPANT, AND ANY HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, EXECUTORS, AND SUCCESSORS, KNOWINGLY, INTENTIONALLY, AND VOLUNTARILY WAIVE AND FOREVER RELEASE, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE DISTRICT, ITS BOARD MEMBERS, ADMINISTRATORS, TEACHERS, COACHES, AGENTS AND INSURERS, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OF LIABILITY FOR INJURY, ILLNESS, DEATH, DAMAGES, LOSSES, OR COSTS THAT MAY OCCUR OR BE INCURRED RESULTING FROM PARTICIPATION IN THIS ACTIVITY.