Prepositions with nouns.
Name, surname *
1. My skin has a really bad reaction ... the sun. *
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2. Weather change oftan causes change ... my emotions. *
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3. I think I have an addiction ... chocolate. *
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4. Having 4 seasons is an advantage ... living in Belarus. *
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5. The attitude ... your parents changes as you grow older. *
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6. If you have a need ... challenge, travelling to exotic places is a great idea. *
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7. Scorching weather can do damage ... people's health. *
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8. Knowledge ... survival skills can help you in an extreme situation. *
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9. It's hard to find a person to get good advice ... life and realationship. *
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10. He had experience ... sailing and climbing with his father. *
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11. I have some difficulties ... breathing.
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12. They have no  difficulties ... the problems life poses. *
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13. She has a good solution ... this problem.
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14. It was an advise ... how to behave in case of a fire.
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15. You can easily deal with a shortage ... water or food. *
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16. You are always in search ... new challenges. *
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17. Your attitude ... life is very down-to-earth. *
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18. You take nothing ... granted.
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19. What are the advantages ... being a survivalist?  *
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20. He shared lots of useful information ... surviving in the wild.
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