Demonstration Time Request Form
1. Except for exceptional circumstances, time slots are offered in a first-come-first-served way. (If you have any exceptional circumstances such as university, work, or family commitments which limit which timeslot(s) you are available for, please list them in the "additional notes" section of this form.)
2. You will be expected to attend for the whole hour. During this time you will do your demonstration (the order of students within the hour will be determined closer to the time) and give feedback on 2 other projects during your presentation group timeslot.
3. This form is for requests only. The final schedule will be posted around week 6 (or whenever everyone has filled out their time request form).
4. Your demonstration will be observed by a staff member from the course. (Not necessarily the lecturer or a tutor.)

Since we have no course time on Fridays (no tutorials or lectures), if you are unable to attend any time slot on Friday 15th November, please post on the forum asap and indicate which days and times in week 10 you are available so we can make alternative arrangements.
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Name *
Zid *
Best Contact Email *
Group Member Name (where applicable)
Group Member Zid (where applicable)
Group Member Best Contact Email (where applicable)
First Preference *
Second Preference *
Third Preference *
Additional notes
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