NMSS Teacher Form
You have been nominated by a student to provide testimonial comment in support of their application to attend National Maths Summer School.

This form is to be completed by you, the applicant's nominated teacher, on receipt of the Student Application submitted by the student. 

Data Privacy policy: The data you provide for this NMSS Application will be treated with the same care as any data which is received by MAWA. Your responses will be seen only by MAWA-appointed personnel and may be shared with the Director of the NMSS.
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Email *
Your first name *
Your last name *
Student first name *
Student last name *
Please complete the following section carefully, as selection will depend largely on information given here. The most effective participants in past schools have been students with high intelligence, imaginative and creative minds, who have the ability to work collaboratively. These are not necessarily the students who perform best in examinations, and certainly not those students who can handle mathematical techniques but who lack the ability and/or interest to go into topics at greater depth than necessary for examination purposes.

Where there is difficulty in selecting between students of similar ability and potential, it may be necessary to contact or interview the respective teacher, Head of Learning Area and in some cases, the students themselves. Due notice will be given if this is required.
Number of students in Year 11 enrolled in your school in each of the following courses (where applicable) and indicate the applicants rank within the course cohort. *
Mathematics Methods
Mathematics Specialist
Other mathematics e.g., International Baccalaureate
Please comment on any attribute of the applicant which will assist in the selection process. Please include information beyond their academic ability.  *
Other important factors the selector will consider are social maturity, responsibility and capacity to contribute to the NMSS course in all aspects and ability to collaborate with others. You may wish to comment on their performance in non-mathematical fields such as personal attributes, community and school involvement.
The student has listed their significant school/state/national mathematics achievement in their application. To the best of your knowledge, can you confirm this list is accurate? *
If you answered no to the previous question, please state which achievements you are unable to confirm. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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