North Heights Porchfest Food Truck Signup
8th Annual North Heights Porchfest
October 5, 2024 • 12:00–6:00 PM

The location of Food Truck Row is TBD — we'll let you know as soon as we know.

This year, we're sorting food trucks into 2 categories (Snacks/Drinks and Entrée/Full Menu) to ensure that food vendors of all kinds can succeed. The following fees apply to each category:

Early Bird Special (until June 1): $20
Regular price (after June 1): $40

Early Bird Special (until June 1): $50
Regular price (after June 1): $75

Fees are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled. Please pay when you sign up to reserve your spot at the event. We will send you setup details as soon as possible (usually about 2 weeks prior to the event).

Don't wait to sign up! Food truck spots will be limited.

Once your application is accepted, we will email you a link to pay your setup fee.

Please email us at if you have any questions.
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Your name: *
Your phone number: *
Please provide the best number to reach on the day of the event.
Your food truck's name: *
Briefly describe what kind of food you sell: *
What's the price range of your food truck's menu?
What is the approximate length and width of your food truck or setup area? *
This will help us arrange all the food trucks on Food Truck Row.
If you serve from a truck, which side of the truck do you serve food from?
This will help us arrange all the food trucks on Food Truck Row.
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About how many people per hour can you serve? *
An estimate is fine.
How much setup time do you need prior to serving? *
Will you bring a generator to the event? *
This is VERY IMPORTANT. If you're not sure, check. This information is crucial for us to ensure that no musicians are drowned out by generators.
Anything else?
Contact us at if you have any questions.
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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