TAMBA Basic Trail Building Class
Have you ever wondered how trails get built?  Or have you attended volunteer trail days and would like a better understanding of building techniques?  This training will provide the basics of how trails get approved, designed, and constructed.  It will include an introduction to different trail building tools and hands-on experience building new singletrack optimized for mountain bikes.  

This training will be instructed by Kevin Joell who has over 25 years of trail building experience, formerly serving as President and Trails Director of TAMBA. He is currently building trails, bridges, and bike parks professionally through Sierra Trail Works.  

TIMES:  8:30am to 4:30pm.  Classroom session in the morning,  hands-on trail building in the afternoon.

PLACE:  Location will be at Ski Tavern Junior Ski Area, 21130 Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno, NV

BRING:  You may want a pen and notepad to take notes during the classroom session.  Lunch will be provided by TAMBA.  During the afternoon session, we will be hiking and working in forested terrain.  Please wear sturdy footwear, long sleeves and long pants.  Bring work gloves, drinking water, sunscreen, and snacks.


REGISTER: Email Scott Brown at scott@tamba.org or sign-up online here:

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