My Voice Music Community Feedback Survey
We're thrilled to invite you to participate in the My Voice Music Community Survey, an opportunity for you to be a part of shaping the future of MVM Studios  and a driving force in our mission of amplifying young voices and igniting self-discovery through music. Your thoughts and insights will guide us in tailoring our programs, workshops, and events to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our diverse community of young musicians.  

Thank you for being a part of the My Voice Music family. Your voice matters, and we can't wait to amplify it, together.
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What is your relationship to My Voice Music? Check all that apply.  *
What zip code do you live in?
Do you or a family member plan on attending an MVM program in 2024?
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Please explain your understanding of the services My Voice Music provides.
What types of programs, resources, services or events would you like to see us do with our new space at 8911 SE Stark?
Do you see any gaps or needs in our current programming, or any ways we could run programs better? 
Are there any community organizations or individuals you know about that we should partner with?
Does My Voice Music communicate in a way that reaches you effectively? 
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How do you receive communications from My Voice Music? Check all that apply.
What is the most effective communication platform for MVM to reach you? How could we communicate with you better?
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