LAUC-B Volunteer Form
Use this form to indicate your interest in volunteering for LAUC-B Committees, including the Executive Committee (ExComm) and LAUC Statewide.
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LAUC-B Executive Committee 2024-25
See the Overview of Executive Committee Positions

Please indicate which of the following LAUC-B executive offices you are interested in running for in the 2024-2025 term:
Committees 2024-25
More information on committees can be found here:

Committee on Diversity (2 yrs)  
Committee on Diversity provides leadership and guidance on issues relating to diversity and inclusion at the Library.

Committee on Nominating and Elections (2 yrs)
N&E finds candidates and conducts elections for the LAUC-B Executive Committee and solicits volunteers for LAUC-B and LAUC committees.

Committee on Research and Professional Development (2 yrs)
RPD reviews campus applications for the University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program and advises prospective grantees on the feasibility and appropriateness of applications, recruits LAUC-B participants for the Townsend Fellowship for Library and Museum Professionals program, investigates and disseminates other campus or system-wide research opportunities and funding for UC Berkeley librarians, and implements programs and activities to provide training and professional development opportunities for LAUC-B members.

LAUC-B Representative to LAUC Statewide Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (2 yrs)
The Committee on Diversity advises the Executive Board and University Librarians on issues pertaining to mentoring and professional growth to help recruit, develop and and retain a diversified group of librarians.

LAUC-B Representative to LAUC Statewide Committee on Professional Governance (2 yrs) (next open 2024-25)
The Committee on Professional Governance advises the President and Executive Board on issues related to peer review, LAUC Bylaws, and other issues at the request of the President.

LAUC-B Representative to LAUC Statewide Committee on Research & Professional Development (2 yrs) (next open 2024-25)
The Research and Professional Development committee administers LAUC University-wide research grants, which support research activities by LAUC members.

Select the committee(s) you are interested in serving on starting 2024-25 (2-year terms):
These committees are not filled by the Nominating & Elections committee. Indicate your interest and we will pass along your name.
Are you interested in being a LAUC-B mentor to a newer librarian? To be a mentor, you have been at Berkeley at least 5 years and have attained career status.
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