Topic 8 Test 3 Cloud Computing
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What year did cloud computing begin? *
1 point
Who were early pioneers of cloud computing?
1 point
What symbol is commonly used to represent the internet and cloud computing in diagrams?
1 point
Which company popularized the concept of cloud computing?
1 point
Is cloud computing completely free?
1 point
What does SaaS stand for?
1 point
Can cloud services be accessed on-demand?
1 point
Which of the following is a service model in cloud computing?
1 point
What is IaaS?
1 point
Which of these is a use of cloud computing?
1 point
Which of the following is not a feature of cloud computing?
1 point
What does PaaS provide to users?
1 point
What is the primary benefit of cloud computing?
1 point
Cloud computing environments that combine public and private resources are called:
1 point
What does 'on-demand self-service' mean in cloud computing?
1 point
Which is not a common characteristic of cloud computing?
1 point
Which feature of cloud computing allows it to scale resources based on demand?
1 point
What is the main disadvantage of using cloud computing when you have a low-speed internet connection?
1 point
Which type of cloud is controlled and used by a single organization?
1 point
Cloud computing does not work well with:
1 point
What aspect of cloud computing can potentially lead to reduced software costs?
1 point
Which is a potential risk when using cloud computing for sensitive information?
1 point
What does the feature 'measured service' in cloud computing refer to?
1 point
What does virtualization in the context of cloud computing facilitate?
1 point
Hybrid clouds are used to:
1 point
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