Job application form
We have opening for positions including  Field Crew Summer Only, Field Crew Long Season, for a Field Crew Apprentice Position, and for a Saturday Farmers Market Lead Employee. You can see the full job descriptions on our website
We detail skills/qualifications for all positions there and you can apply for 1 or multiple positions at the same time.
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First Name *
First Name
Last Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? Check all that apply. *
Where do you want to be/ what do you want to do in 2 years? *
What are your hobbies? *
What are you passionate about? *
What personal development have you done in the last 12 months? *
Do you have any Agricultural Experience? *
Do you have any food industry or food manufacturing experience? *
If you have managerial experience (farming or not) share that here *
Why are you the best candidate for the job? *
What days are you available to work (please note that our standard work days are Monday-Friday 7am-5pm and half day work is 7am-12pm or 1pm-5pm. If you have constraints such as children schedules, school etc also let us know
What months would you be available to work. Note that our standard first year employees start as soon as early May and we have work guaranteed through early November. 
Submit your resume here no matter how complex or simple. If needed you can email it as well to *
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