Danganronpa F10 Signups
Subject: Congratulations! You're gonna be on TV!


Dearest Reader,

If you're reading this, YOU have been carefully hand-picked out of nearly a billion applicants* to be part of television and entertainment history! We want to share your spark of talent, gamesmanship, and personality with our enormous viewing audience on our new show: Manor of Crabs!

So what exactly is Manor of CrabsFor 100 days, all players will cohabitate within a lavish manor while their daily lives are streamed for the entire viewing audience to watch. Experimental technology will be used to help the viewing audience see the game from the player's eyes. Those favored by the viewing audience and production will be given privileges within the house. The name Manor of Crabs comes from the observation that when many crabs are in a bucket, they have a habit of pulling one another back down right as they have a chance to escape. To win Manor of Crabs, one must avoid attempts by their competitors to drag them down by leveraging their own cleverness and privilege.

The prize money will be between 10 and 100 million dollars for each of up to five winners! And whether you win or lose, you are guaranteed to be gifted an Ultimate Legacy, one that could jumpstart any career!

I am excited to see you all this summer! A van is coming to pick you up!

The Office of Garry Gallaway

*If you don't remember showing us a video, don't worry. We just KNOW you would be an excellent fit!
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Enter your Cox Studio username below. *
What's your preferred method of communication with the Game Master? *
How did your character get involved with Manor of Crabs? *
If such a role exists, would you be willing to have your character play the “Mastermind”? *
If such a role exists, would you be willing to have your character play the “Primary Antagonist”? (Note: This role would be more openly antagonistic than the mastermind) *
Are you willing to have your character die in the first chapter of the game? *
Are you willing for your character to survive to the end of the game? *
If it is needed, are you willing to be the only character posting in the thread for some amount of time? *
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