/r/Kirby Discord Ban Appeal Form
If you feel you were unfairly banned from the server, or that it has been a while since your ban and you've improved / changed since, fill out this form. If the mod team agrees, we'll reach out to you and unban you, giving you a second chance. However, we only accept appeals 31 days after the ban was given, and bans for raiding, spamming, or NSFW content are permanent, and can't be appealed.

Please note that this form is only about the /r/Kirby Discord server. If you would like to appeal a ban from the /r/Kirby subreddit, please send a modmail there instead.

Also please note that, just because you fill out this form, it doesn't mean you'll be unbanned. If we don't reach back to you in a couple weeks, it's because we decided to keep you banned. You're free to try to appeal again after a couple months, but we may reject your appeal yet again if we don't change our stance.
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What's your Discord username and discriminator? (Ex: cardboard boxer#1234) *
What's your user ID? (Ex: 132894123651760130) (If you don't know how to get your user ID, enable Developer Tools in User Settings -> Appearance, then right-click your profile and Copy ID) *
Do you remember why you were banned from the server? If so, what was the reason? *
Do you remember around when you were banned from the server? If so, when was it? An estimate time is fine. *
Why should you be unbanned from the server? *
How can we reach out to you if we decide to revoke your ban? (Ex: Discord, Email, Reddit message etc.) *
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