Oregon Cooperative Housing Survey
We are the Oregon Cooperative Housing Network, or ORCoOp. We're organizing to promote the concept of cooperative housing as a desirable and beneficial form of homeownership and to protect the common interest of housing co-ops in Oregon through education, research, lobbying, and the exchange of information.

We are sponsored by Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, Portland, and SquareOne Villages, Eugene. See https://orcoop.org for more about us.

This survey is to help us assess people's goals, concerns, levels of interest, and resources to help. We hope that you will share this survey with anyone you know who is interested in housing co-ops, or in increasing affordable housing in Oregon.

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Name *
What are your interests in cooperative housing in Oregon? (check all that apply) *
Do you currently, or have you previously lived in co-operative housing? Which one
If you are interested in Co-op housing for yourself, would you like to begin forming a co-op? *
Is there a specific location you are interested in (ex: SE Portland)  
Preferred style of housing *
What other considerations are important to you? (rural/urban, noise, pets, gardens, shared indoor/outdoor spaces, etc)
Are you interested in meeting (virtually) with others with similar co-op housing goals?
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What role would you like to play in organizing, developing, or living in co-ops for housing in Oregon?
[optional] Anything else you would like to mention about your interest in co-ops, or any questions?
[optional]  Any organization(s) you are affiliated with, or other contact information (phone number, social media etc.) if you would like to share or that's a better way to reach you?
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