Survey for "A Comparison: Rates of Philippine Animators of Differing Education Background and Nature of Employment"

Title: "A Comparison: Rates of Philippine Animators of Differing Education Background and Nature of Employment"

Head Researcher: Claire Chua

Introduction: The research will compare Philippine animators with varying education backgrounds and natures of employment. It will do so by comparing the employment rates and salary of respondents from each category.

Purpose of the Research: The purpose of this research is to identify the pros and cons of each education level and nature of employment, and determine whether higher education is worth pursuing in the field of animation. It aims to guide animators in making the best choice with regards to what education they'll pursue and what type of animator they'll become.

Duration: The research may be completed in 3 weeks to 1 month.

Benefits: The research hopes to help animation students make the best choices for their future as an animator and ensure they have the best chances at getting employed with a decent salary without potentially wasting money. It also hopes to advise animation companies as to what backgrounds they should look for in their applicants.

Risks: The respondent is requested to select a range that their salary falls into.

Confidentiality: Your answers will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to others without consent.

Right to Refuse or Discontinue: The respondent has the right to discontinue or refuse participation at any time.

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