Join the Realization Process Teacher Community
Hello, RP teacher!

We're glad you're joining us.

Please share this information so we can start sending you the newsletter and other information and tools. We'll check that you have graduated from a teacher training before we share, so it may take us a week or two.

Please note that YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY JOINED: If you filled out the November 2023 survey, or if you've been getting update emails from Bonnie, you're good! If you think you've joined but you *haven't* been getting emails, please check your spam folder for email from If you joined the email group, that'll be rp-teacher-network.

Thank you -
The RP Teacher Community team
Увійдіть в обліковий запис Google, щоб зберегти надані відповіді. Докладніше
Електронна адреса *
First name
Last name
1. Which language(s) do you work in?
2. What time zone(s) do you live in? 
3. What other modalities do you offer? 
4. May we share your name, time zone(s), languages, other modalities, and email address with other RP teachers (with the understanding that the information will NOT be used for marketing)?
Скасувати вибір
5. Are you using the Realization Process, and how? (Choose all that apply)
6. What are you looking for from the RP teacher community (e.g. connecting with like-minded people, getting peer support for teaching, deepening your own practice...?)
When we receive this form, we'll automatically subscribe you to our monthly newsletter. It includes articles, announcements, and the Zoom information for all events that month. Please check the box below if you DO NOT want to receive it.
We'll also send you a short series of five (5) welcome emails introducing our resources and regular events and inviting you to join. Please check the box below if you DO NOT want to receive these emails. 
Would you like to receive event reminders? 
Would you like to join our email group (on Google Groups)? You can choose whether to check posts on the web or get them in your email, and if you choose email, you can choose how often you get messages.
Скасувати вибір
Thank you! Anything else we should know? (Please also feel free to email with any questions.)
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