Expression of Interest to host UACES Annual Conference
7-9 September 2026
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Name of Lead Applicant *
Email address of lead applicant *
Host Institution *
Host Department (if relevant) *
Colleagues from host organisation who would be actively involved in the organisation *
What is the motivation for wanting to host the event? *
Please write no more than 200 words
Does your venue meet the basic infrastructure as outlined in the 'What are we looking for in a venue' document? *
Please write no more than 200 words
What financial incentives would your institution be able to offer or assist with? (eg free or subsidised venue hire, sponsorship either internal or external for receptions or the conference dinner, subsidised on-site accommodation, special rates with caterers etc).  *
Please write no more than 150 words
Is your venue available for the proposed dates (7-9 September 2026)?  *
Please confirm: *
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