Berkeley Journalism Alumni Class Notes 
We'd like to celebrate the accomplishments of our amazing Berkeley Journalism alumni community! 

Please submit updates to this form. We'd like to know what you've been up! We're interested in learning about your professional achievements and personal milestones.  

Submission to the Class Notes section will be shared with staff at Berkeley Journalism and Berkeley Journalism alumni volunteers that help put together our new alumni newsletter. Some stories may be featured in the newsletter or on social media. 
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First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Graduation Year:  *
Please share your professional accomplishments, personal milestones, or any exciting news you'd like to share: 
Favorite memory: 
I am ok with you reaching out to highlight this in an upcoming newsletter or on social media.  We will contact you before doing so.  *
Would you like to inform us about the accomplishment of a fellow alum? If so, please provide their name and a brief description: 
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