The OBC Birth Worker Training Partial Scholarship Application
This is the application form for our partial scholarship for our RADICAL FULL SPECTRUM DOULA TRAINING COURSE. Please ensure you complete all the questions. Once submitted a member of The OBC team will be in touch to progress your application. 

The partial scholarship cost is £1300. When accepting a partial scholarship you will be required to pay a deposit of £130 to secure your spot on your choice of course date. You are welcome to pay the remaining amount in 6 further monthly instalments of £195.00 or in a single payment.

Best wishes

The Original Birth Connection team
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Which course would you like to join? *
Previous education ... *
Have you applied for or completed any other birth worker training? *
Do any of the following apply to you? *
Please outline why do you want to train as a doula? *
Here at The OBC we feel building community is an important part of birth work. How would you plan to serve your community and embed your birth work in your local community? *
Do you have a specific interest (postpartum, birth, working with vulnerable adults etc, running group settings) that you would like to develop as part of your birth work? *
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