“Whatever the Question, Community is the Answer!” Workshop
Whatever the Question, Community is the Answer!
a microsolidarity community-building workshop on the 27th of March, 19-21h.

How can we create wholesome group spaces?
How can we support and care for each other?
How can we build sustainable communities?

These and other questions will guide us in this 2-hour workshop exploring the theory and practice of community-building using Microsolidarity.

The aim of Microsolidarity is to create small mutual aid communities that enable trust, connection, support and care, being seen, authentic feedback and a sense of intimacy and belonging.

In an introductory talk we will give a bit of background on the underlying principles and share some of our own experiences with the framework. After that we will practice creating wholesome spaces within ourselves, in dialogue with a partner and in small groups. So if you are building community or are in need of community, come along!

Location: Initiative der heilenden Künste in der  Heilpraktikschule in Selbstverwaltung,
Mariannenplatz 2a, 10997 Berlin, exact location (https://maps.app.goo.gl/C2xe9iPnV6546C996).

Suggested contribution: 5-15€ (you can pay on arrival)

Looking forward to seeing you there 🙂

Jocelyn & Nicki
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