Asulam Records
Record of the application of Asulam for bracken control during the 2023 season
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In England only, an Emergency Authorisation (EA) has been granted to allow the use of asulam for bracken control during 2023.

It is essential that everyone planning to apply Asulam during 2023 is fully conversant with the conditions included in the Authorisation.

There is a summary of the key points on the BCG website

This page also provides a link to the full authorisation.

Monitoring of Usage

To comply with the Stewardship conditions in Annex 1 of the EA approval, the Bracken Control Group is required to provide the Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE with information about the usage of asulam.

The roles of the manufacturer, distributors, contractors and end-users are set out below.

must provide records of sales, returns, transfers and application.

All forms are available from:

Record sales to distributors and returns of unopened containers at the end of the season

Account for all receipts, sales and returns of stock.

To record sales, UPL has prepared a Purchase Form.

Aerial and ground-based contractors

Account for all receipts, sales, returns and usage of stock.

As an alternative to separate records for each site, a contractor can provide a composite return on behalf of clients on one form / spreadsheet - a formatted spreadsheet will be provided.

End-users (landowners / land managers)

Complete this Application Record, unless a contractor has agreed to do this on their behalf.

In addition to the online version, the Application Record is available on the BCG website in different formats:

  • for completion on a PC / MAC computer and returning as an e-mail attachment, or
  • For printing and completion by hand and return to the BCG by post to the address below or return as an e-mail attachment after scanning or photographing it.
Where Asulam is applied to several areas and the answers to the questions are the same (e.g. about habitat, designation or funding), only one form for each user is required.  If in doubt, please complete a separate form for each area.

Submission of Records

All records, not completed online, should be sent to the Bracken Control Group.  Before being shared with anyone, all information will be collated so that individual details cannot be identified.

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