Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Night Fishing on the Arkansas River
Meet at Cook's Landing at 7:00 pm
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Correo *
Name: *
Phone Number *
Address *
City, and zip *
Birthdate: *
How much have the following reasons contributed to your decision to participate? *
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Did not have the necessary skills or knowledge
Had moral or ethical objections to hunting
Did not have anyone to go with
Was not comfortable with firearms
Did not have time
Did not know where to hunt
Unsure of licensing regualtions and requirements
Interest in new foods.
Cooking your own food
learning a new skill
Time with family/friends
Have you purchased a hunting license? *
Have you purchased a fishing license? *
I understand a valid Arkansas Fishing License is required to participate.
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Have you attended BOW events? *
How did you learn about this event?
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What best describes where you live? *
Which of the following best describes your background?
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Age Group
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