Library Training 5: Privacy, Overdues & Fees
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About this training
What are 1-2 takeaways from these articles? *
Click on the Reports Tab
What is the difference between an Overdue Notice and an Overdue Report?
How would you generate notices in Spanish?
How would you generate a list of all books checked out to a particular class?
How would you select the information you want displayed on the Overdue Notice?
Overdue lists or notices are: *
7 punktów
generated by copy transaction data reports
generated by current checkouts/fines report
generated so that the titles or subject a student has checked out is easily seen so as to assist others in finding the missing book.
not subject to privacy laws
something that only you and your student should be aware of
an important moment when students are impacted positively or negatively about libraries, books and reading
not subject to District library oversight
How would you configure Library Manager to assess fines for  lost materials? Fines should never be generated for overdue materials.
How would you accept a fine payment?
How would you waive a fine?
How would you view a patron's fine history?
Managing Patrons
Adding Patrons, Setting Up Patron Types and Managing Homerooms can be done in which of the following tabs? *
1 punkt
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