Rock the Boat: using theatre to reimagine graduate supervision, with Vaisakhi/ Nowruz lunch

This session will take place Wednesday April 12, from 11:30-1pm. This Rock the Boat session will include watching videos of dramatic situations that highlight various challenges that can occur in supervisory relationships. Discussions will be held based on the videos, focusing on fostering healthy and respectful supervisory relationships.

The scene 'No Other Choice' highlights the challenges of balancing professional and personal responsibilities, and how that can influence wellbeing. 

Everyone is welcome: PIs, trainees, and staff.

A special lunch to celebrate Vaisakhi and Nowruz will begin at 11:30 am! Please arrive at 11:30 to have lunch and participate in the "Jumping over the Fire" tradition. Rock the Boat session will be held from 12-1. stay until the end for a gift card draw for HLI members !

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