Ray White Port Adelaide - Letter of Offer
NOTE: This is not a contract of sale document. Both the purchaser and vendor must sign a contract of sale document before this offer becomes legally binding. An offer may be withdrawn at any time before signing a contract of sale document. If you do enter into a contract of sale, it is advisable to check section 5 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 regarding any cooling-off rights that you may have and how to exercise them.

I/we the purchaser/s as detailed wish to make the following best and final offer to purchase the property detailed below upon the terms of the Society of Auctioneers and Appraisers (SA) Inc standard Contract for Purchase of Residential Land.

We acknowledge that if this offer is accepted and subject to the notice below, I/we will be required to enter into and execute a Contract in these terms. We acknowledge we may be one of several parties making offers to the Vendor to consider.
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メールアドレス *
Address of the property you would like to purchase *
Reason for purchase *
Name of the agent you have been dealing with *
Offer amount *
Is this your best and final offer? *
Deposit amount *
Proposed settlement date *
Subject to Finance? *
Other Conditions (select all that apply) *
Your chosen conveyancer
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