2023 Host Site - Pre Application Information
Please help us better understand your church community by completing this pre-application form for hosting camp We anticipate this piece being a one-time requirement, so we can best understand your community, document your answers, and share them with our summer site directors.
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メールアドレス *
Church Name *
Approximately how many church members would be excited about helping to make Camp in the Community a success?
Which of the following ways would you and your church be willing to recruit campers?
Would your church be able to recruit at least 34 campers (from the correct demographic) to attend camp?
Would at least 80% of campers be from the local community (i.e, not church members)?
Does your church/ministry have enough space to host camp? (Field space, parking lot space, fellowship hall or pavilion, sanctuary space, and 3-4 classrooms)
Would your church be able to recruit volunteers to make lunches and snacks, as well as help with check in and check out?
Would your church be able to recruit adult volunteers to build relationships with the campers?
How many Junior Counselors (youth 15+) would your church anticipate having during the week of camp?
Would your church be able to provide a morning snack and lunch to the campers?
Does your location (where camp would be hosted) have access to bathrooms and water for drinking and water games?
Would your church be able to find host homes (or empty homes with beds) for staff to stay during the week of camp (Sunday to Friday)?
Would your church be able to feed staff breakfast (with campers if that is being offered) and dinner? (Sunday dinner through Friday breakfast)
Would a pastor/minister be present during the majority of camp, and be willing to share devotions in the morning with campers?
Would your church be willing to evaluate your camp experience in an effort to help us grow and improve?
A week of Camp in the Community costs us $10,000 to operate, and we ask churches to share the cost with us so we can partner in this important ministry. We hope to create a sustainable ministry that will exist 50 years from now, and in order to make that possible, we are asking churches to commit to covering between $4500-$6500 of the cost. The experience your church and campers receive is not altered by the amount you choose, but by paying what you can, you help us create a more stable future for camping ministry to those in poverty. Would your church be able to cover between $4500 and $6500?
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