The Comedy Arena's Whose Stein Is It Anyway?
"Whose Stein Is It Anyway?" is the hilarious improv comedy show where the the laughs never stop! Inspired by some of those improv shows you might be familiar with on TV, join our talented cast as they compete in a series of improv games inspired by the audiences as well as the festive spirit of Oktoberfest. But this is your chance to get in on the fun. You can provide prompts and suggestions ahead of show time that the performers will not see until they are on stage. When they see these prompts, they will have to act out those scenes right there on the spot. So get in on the fun and participate below. Prost!
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If you want, we'll give you credit for this prompt during the show.
Suggestion for a 1 Person Prompt
Example: Give a half-time speech to a quilt making Team 
Example: Record a video for an online dating app called Chicken Tinder
Suggestion for a 2 Person Prompt
Example: Winnie The Pooh and Smokey The Bear discussing climate change
Example: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr dueling with banjos
Suggestion for a 3 Person Prompt
Example: The Three Musketeers decided to start a Boy Band
Example: The Three Little Pigs trying to sell real-estate
Suggestion for a 4 Person Prompt
Example: The Golden Girls Road Trip across Texas
Example: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are now grown up adults
Suggestion for a 5 Person Prompt
Example: The Weekdays (Monday-Friday) plot against their enemies, Saturday and Sunday
Example: What Toes would say if the could talk
Suggestion for a 6 Person Prompt
Example: Together, sing the national anthem of a fictional country one word at a time
Example: What the Brady Bunch Kids are up to now.
Anything else you can think of or what to share? This is the place to do it.
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