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Moffat's Music Ed Masterclass Application
Please tell me a little bit about you and your situation so we can find out if we'd be a good fit to work together. :)
I will reach out to you with a link for an interview if it looks like I can be of service.
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What subject(s) do you teach?
General Music
Other Music
What grade level(s) do you teach?
Middle School / Junior High School
High School
How long have you been teaching?
Less than five years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21-30 years
30+ years
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I love being a music educator
Almost Always
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I know the work I do makes a difference in kids' lives.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
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During the pandemic, my students have attended my classes (shown up in person or logged into a computer).
Almost Always
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My students are engaged during their music classes. ("Engagement" for this purpose means you either see or hear from the student, communicate via the chat, or they turn in an assignment of some kind to demonstrate they were present and participating. Please estimate the number of students who regularly engage in your classes)
Less than 25%
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Please check the option that most closely describes your current situation.
I am running my classes as close to ensemble-like as possible
Music is my main focus, but we are doing it in other ways, such as diving more into theory, history, and other music studies.
I have been focusing primarily on the social and emotional needs and building a community as we navigate teaching during a pandemic.
My classes are being cut or reduced and I am having to support other departments
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I want to be able to meet my students' social and emotional needs so they are better able to fully participate in our classes.
Yes and I am already successful in doing this
Yes and I am looking for support in this area because I'm not sure where to start
I don't feel this is necessary
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I see the potential for music education to expand as the result of what we are learning while teaching during a pandemic and I want to explore the possibilities with like-minded music educators so my students and I can come out of this with a strong music program that supports their needs without burning me out in the process.
Not really
I'd like to know more about what that would look like
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I want to use the next few months to do the things that ensure my students are connected to one another and the music program so they'll be drawn to register for next year's music classes.
This isn't really a priority for me
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First Name
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Last Name
Your answer
If your responses indicate you'd be a possible candidate for Moffat's Music Ed Masterclass, would you like me to send you a link for an interview?
Yes, please
No, thank you
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