Registration form for mentees
🏀 As part of our project Empowerment Through Sport ( we are launching a mentorship programme,  where we will link sportspeople with disadvantaged youth. This will allow sharing of experiences, as well as support and encouragement for youngsters to take on grassroots sports ⚽

💻 Please find more information and a list of mentors following this link: 🤸

🗣️ Starting from October, we will announce the pairings and you will be able to start the communication with your mentor 🤼

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Full name *
Country of residence *
How old are you?
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What sports are you interested in?
Why did you decide to take part in this mentorship program?
What are your expectations from this program?
Which one of the sportsmen you would like to have as your mentor? (You can find the link to the list of mentors in description of the form) *
Why did you choose this mentor?
If we are not able to connect you with your preferred mentor, which sportsperson would be your second choice?
Effacer la sélection
Do you do sports on a regular basis? If yes, how often and which sport?
What are the main challenges you face in sports?
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
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