Western Association of Women Historians: 2021 Prize Submission Form
Please use this form to submit your application for one of WAWH's seven annual awards and prizes. (Please note that the Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Perry Graduate Student Conference Poster Prize does not require an application because all posters accepted to the conference will be considered for this prize.)

IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR MULTIPLE AWARDS OR PRIZES, you will need to complete a separate form for each submission.

All prize applicants must be current members of WAWH when they submit their application; membership will be verified. Current members of WAWH's Executive Board are not eligible to apply. More information about the prizes, including eligibility, is available on WAWH's website: https://wawh.org/awards/

* UPDATED * The deadline for all awards (EXCEPT the Carol Gold Prize) is January 20, 2021. (NOTE THE EXTENDED DEADLINE.)
The deadline for the Carol Gold Prize is April 1, 2021. (NOTE THE EXTENDED DEADLINE.)

If you have specific questions about one of the prizes, please contact the chair of that prize committee: https://wawh.org/about-the-wawh/executive-board/

NOTE TO PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS: If you are submitting this form on behalf of an author, please ensure that all information you input on this form refers to the author (e.g. name, email address, etc.) NOT to yourself or to the press.
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