Institution of the Month Nomination Form
Array Global recognizes schools that are doing great things throughout the year. A school may be nominated for:

- Going above and beyond in any one of the Array Global's five accreditation standards.
- Providing an activity or program that engages students in reaching their potential.
- Or anything else that helps the school stand out in its services provided.

Awarded schools will be recognized on Array Global's website, social media, and by a certificate recognizing the schools for its exceptional work.
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Email *
Institution Name *
Name of Point of Contact Person *
Describe what the institution has done this recently that has been very successful that you would be willing to share with other schools about your successes. Institutions may email any items of evidence (picture, video, etc.) to support why they should be the Array Global Institution of the Month: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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