Post training review
Thank you for taking the time to train with me, I hope that you've had a good experience with my program. please fill out the questions to the best of your ability so that I can help improve the program as best as I can for new people that want to start training.
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Name  *
What brought you to me in the first place?
What was your overall goal *
Why did you want to start your journey toward your fitness goals?  *
what was your training level to start off with before training with me? *
What was good about your training experience with me? *
Did you learn any insights that you think will help you in the future? *
Did you make progress with your goals? *
Do you think you have enough knowledge now that you could complete your goals by yourself and continue to make progress? *
Was you able to put in effort every day to try and reach your goals? *
What were 3 things I did to help support you that you though was helpful? *
What were your biggest challenges you faced during the program ? (2 points minimum) *
Would you tell a friend about your fitness journey with me?  *
If you had the option to start again given the right circumstances would you? 
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Thank you for doing the review if there is any extra feedback you can give me please leave it in this box here. 
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