Take part in the training of MIT Solve candidates with Antropia ESSEC
The MIT Solve is an international competition awarding each year social tech innovations, tackling global social issues.

Antropia ESSEC is partner of the MIT Solve, and offer a training to candidates:
- A bootcamp open to all european candidates to help them improve their application - in June
- A session for winners to perfect their pitch - in September

More information on Antropia ESSEC's website: https://antropia-essec.fr/etre-accompagne/mit-solve-global-challenges-english

You can contribute in helping candidats and discover great innovative projects with positive impact!

3 options are available for you:
    1. From May 25 to June 11: read the applications (in English) of French candidates and give them feedback (you can choose the number of applications you want to read: 20 min/application).

    2. From mid-June to mid-July: take part in reading and scoring applications of international candidates (in English), for the official selection of the MIT Solve.

    3. On September 9: attend the practice pitches (in English) of winners and help them create the best pitch possible (on videoconference).

Following your registration, we will come back to you with the modalities for participation.

Thank you for your interest! See you soon at the training of the MIT Solve candidates.

If you have any question, you can contact Matthieu Courtois, director of the program: courtois@essec.edu

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Do you want to help French candidates by reading their application file (in English) and giving your feedback in order to improve it? *
From May 25 to June 11. You can precise in the next question the number of files you want to read (on an average: 20 minutes/file to read and make your feedback). All the files are written in English!
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