11th International Conference on Victim Assistance (ICVA)
The Centre for Victimology & Psychological Studies (CVPS) continues to host the 11th International Conference on Victim Assistance on 19th-21st October, 2022. The main theme of the conference this year is Emerging Trends In Victimology & Victim Assistance. We envision an interdisciplinary platform to disseminate, exchange and generate knowledge through engagement of a wide variety of government officials, lawyers, Judges, medical professionals, social workers, media personnel, policy makers, psychologists, sociologists, criminologists, victimologists, anthropologists, and interdisciplinary students around the world. We invite academicians, practitioners, and research scholars to submit abstracts towards this conference according to the theme of the conference.

Pre-Conference Workshop ICVA: 19th October 2022
11th International Conference on Victim Assistance (ICVA): 20th - 21st October 2022

There is NO REGISTRATION FEES for the Conference.

Registration for both attendees and presenters closes by 5th October 2022.


*Last Date of submission of abstract was 20th September, 2022, 7pm (Indian Standard Time)*

Abstracts acceptance shall be confirmed by 30th September 2022.

Certificate of Participation would be given separately for both events, and only participants who attend all sessions ON CAMPUS in the respective events will be eligible. Paper Presenter will ALSO receive a certificate acknowledging their presentation at the conference.

Accommodation would be provided to all delegates and participants in the conference but will be charged on token actuarial.

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Full Name (Please do not include title again) *
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Current Education/ Designation *
Current University/ Institution/ Organisation *
City/State of Residence *
Country of Residence *
Please select the event (s) you wish to attend *
Would you wish to avail University Accommodation? *

Complimentary twin-sharing accommodation would be provided to all selected presenters/Speakers of 11th ICVA. 

Limited Accommodation available for Attendees and would be provided on first-come-first-request basis. Attendees will be charged on actuarial basis during their stay.

Would your wish to avail University transport for Pick & drop from Haiderpur Metro Station (Yellow Line-Delhi Metro) *
The service will be provided free of cost to all attendees and presenters
Participation Category for Conference *
Paper Presentation in 11th ICVA is preferred by  academicians, practitioners, and research scholars (as primary author)
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