DA Ireland Proxy Form 2023
In the following form, you will be able to select your proxy holder, choose proxy type, and add your voting instructions (if any).

Proxy notes:
1. Voters can only carry 3 votes total, the voter's own vote and up to two proxy votes.

2. Proxy holders must be DA Ireland members. Proxies are issued on a first-come-first-served basis. If a voter assigns a proxy to someone who has already received their maximum number of proxies to vote (2), any other proxies submitted will be invalid.

3. The deadline for submitting proxies with this electronic form is May 19, 2023 2:00 pm Dublin Time. Contact the NEC (daireland_elections@democratsabroad.org) in case of emergencies.

4. Proxies can be either Instructed (proxy holder must follow voter's instructions how to vote), or Uninstructed (proxy holder votes as they choose). Candidate names and their statements will be sent out and posted to the DA Ireland site on May 6, 2023. NOTE: If you instruct your proxy holder about a specific Officer or At-Large position, and the candidate slate for that Officer or At-Large position later changes (for example, due to nominations from the floor at the elections meeting, or if your candidate choice drops out), then that part of the proxy automatically will become Uninstructed.

5. Send your form in early so that we can check that your proxy is problem free, and if it isn't, help you find a solution.

6. It is always possible for a voter to cast their own vote, even if they have identified a proxy holder for all votes. The proxy vote is then overridden. If you decide to cast your own vote, please let your proxy holder know as a courtesy.

NOTE: This form is collecting your email address in order to send you a copy of the form you submitted so you can provide a copy to your proxy holder. Please provide the email address at which you receive email from Democrats Abroad. You can find that email address at the bottom of any email you have received from Democrats Abroad

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Will you be present during the Election event on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at any time (either in person or online)?
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