Financial Aid 2024
Southeastern Women's Lacrosse Inc. offers scholarships each season to players in need of financial assistance. Please Fill out the form below and provide 2 references to complete the application. Money awarded and selection depend on academic and lacrosse achievements, family needs, and references. Please allow 2 weeks for a response. 
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Player Name (first and last) *
Player Email
Guardian Email *
Player Grad Year *
Player's School *
Which club / rec program are you interested in playing for? Or which event do you need financial assistance for?
How much does the package cost? Please provide a link or screenshot of the total amount.
Reference Email #1 *
Reference Email #2
Coaches Contact Information *
Total household income *
Lacrosse Achievements *
School Achievements *
Why do you feel you should get this scholarship? *
Additional Comments?
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