Panel submission PSAI 2020
The Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) will take place at University College Dublin over the weekend of the 9th-10th October 2020. We invite paper and panel (3-5 papers) proposals from all areas of the discipline. Specialist groups are particularly encouraged to organise and submit panel proposals.

Panel proposals require a full list of papers, with authors and abstracts as regular paper submissions, with of course details on panel title and chair. The conference organisers reserve the final say in the allocation of accepted papers to panels. Panel organisers are asked to ensure that appropriate attention is given to balance in respect of gender and stage in career development.

This form is for panel submissions only, the papers themselves should be added through the paper submission form (either by the authors or by the panel proposer):

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Panel title
Panel organiser, including full name, affiliation, and email
Panel chair, including full name, affiliation, and email (if different from organiser)
Please submit panel papers separately!
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