URBAN Complex+ 2023 / preliminary registration

of the Department of Urban Planning and Design

New sustainable ways to develop Budapest’s inner city fringe

We look forward to welcoming you in our studio if you are a student with an interest in urban and architectural design.
To make sure you don't miss any important news, please fill in the pre-registration form and we will keep you informed of all important developments!

We can accept applications from a maximum of 8-10 students, with priority given to Msc students applying for the Urban Design specialisation.

Thank you for your registration
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Email *
Name *
Neptun *
Nationality *
Which curriculum are you doing? *
If you are an Msc Student which specialization will you take?
What would you consider important in the Complex semester?
Important for me
I am happy if it will be so
I can imagine that too
I can not imagine
Design for real places, real needs, real processes
I want to work with good architects with real experience
I also like working in a team
Give me the opportunity to experiment independently
The environment beyond the buildings is also interesting and important to me
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Where did you do DD3?
Why do you want to come to the Department of Urban  for the Complex course?
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