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BisoSwap NFT Airdrop Application
BisoSwap will officially reserve 200 NFT for active KOL and community.
* Indicates required question
Your Name(你的名字)
Your answer
Self introduction(你的自我介绍)
Your answer
Describe the resources you have(介绍你拥有的资源)
Your answer
Promotions you've posted(你已经发布的宣传内容)- Please use Tencent Docs or Google Docs to write down, BisoSwap officials will evaluate your work(请用腾讯文档或者谷歌文档写下,BisoSwap官方会评估你的工作)
Your answer
What value can you contribute to bisoswap in the future?(未来你对bisoswap能贡献什么价值)
Your answer
BRC20 Address(你的BRC20地址)
Your answer
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