BisoSwap NFT Airdrop Application
BisoSwap will officially reserve 200 NFT for active KOL and community. 
Your Name(你的名字) *
Self introduction(你的自我介绍)
Describe the resources you have(介绍你拥有的资源) *
Promotions you've posted(你已经发布的宣传内容)-  Please use Tencent Docs or Google Docs to write down, BisoSwap officials will evaluate your work(请用腾讯文档或者谷歌文档写下,BisoSwap官方会评估你的工作) *
What value can you contribute to bisoswap in the future?(未来你对bisoswap能贡献什么价值) *
BRC20 Address(你的BRC20地址) *
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